
Can we walk 2.5 million steps this March?

That's a lot of steps - but it's for a good cause!

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Switchplane is taking part in 'Turn a score into a whole lot more' throughout the month of March!

We have £20 that we will be turning into as much money as we can to donate to St Wilfrid's Hospice, our chosen Charity of the Year.

Switchplane team selfie

There are lots of events planned, including:

  • A tuck shop at FOUNDRY throughout March
  • A 'Guess the number of sweets in the jar' challenge
  • A bake sale at FOUNDRY (date TBC)
  • A step challenge for the Switchplane team - walk 2.5 million steps in March.
  • A trade-up - what can the team trade for their paperclip?
  • A puzzle you can download in return for a donation

Keep an eye on our social media for the latest updates and a confirmed date for our bake sale.

In the meantime, if you would like to make any donations to help us raise money for this fantastic cause, visit our JustGiving page.

Bonus event!

Joel, our CEO, is getting locked up for St Wilfrid’s Jail and Bail, for his crime of not showing enough of his face on Zoom calls. Help us raise £1000 to bail him out so he doesn’t get stuck in the Wish Tower forever!
